Facts About Air Conditioner Maintenance

Facts About Air Conditioner Maintenance

With the first day of Spring happening this upcoming weekend, there is one thing we can all look forward to: Warm Weather! And one can always associate warm weather with the cooling season! This means that it’s time for us to get our air conditioners ready to keep our homes comfortable for the Spring and Summer! We wanted to provide you with a list of a few facts and tips regarding air conditioner maintenance to help out!

Air Conditioner Maintenance Fact #1: Get Maintenance Annually- Whether your air conditioner is 1 year or 15 years old, it is crucial for the life of your air conditioner to have a licensed professional perform an annual maintenance check on your air conditioner. This will help prolong the life of your air conditioner and prevent any malfunctioning.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Fact #2: Cold Weather and Air Conditioner Maintenance Don’t Mix- When you schedule your air conditioner maintenance appointment, it is important to understand that there is always a chance your appointment could get rescheduled due to weather. If the outside temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, performing a maintenance check on your air conditioner is not possible because the low temperatures will give your technician an improper reading when inspecting your air conditioner. Also, if it is raining outside, this also limits technicians from performing air conditioner maintenance.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Fact #3: Consider a Maintenance Package- Because furnace and air conditioner maintenance is necessary on an annual basis, you should already expect to schedule appointments. However, did you know that many HVAC companies offer maintenance packages that both save you money as well as give customers special perks? It’s true! For example, Nortek Environmental, Inc.’s Preventative Maintenance Agreement Program saves you around $40 and offers you special perks that aren’t available to non-PMA holders.

Be sure to follow Nortek Environmental, Inc. on all of our social media platforms in order to stay up to date on information regarding HVAC maintenance!